Cyber ​​attack on tik tok, more than a billion people's data is likely to be leaked

BEIJING: Cyber ​​security researchers have warned that an attempt to hack video-sharing app TikTok could expose the data of a billion people.

Cyber ​​attack on tik tok, more than a billion people's data is likely to be leaked

According to a foreign news agency, the reports about the data leak first appeared on the famous hacking forum. In which the hackers claimed to have penetrated a vulnerable server containing the personal information of TikTok users.

The reports were confirmed when Microsoft issued a warning about the weak security of tik tok's Android app. In which it was mentioned that the attackers can reach the user's account through a link.

Wrote a user on the Breach Forums message board. We need to choose whether to sell it (the information) to us or delivery it to people in general.

The alleged hackers have claimed to have access to around 34 GB of data of TikTok users.

He further said that the data of about 1.37 billion accounts has been obtained. These accounts are from all over the world. This data contains a large amount of content from younger people.

Some suggestions are give. TikTok has reportedly suffered a data breach, and it's true that the fallout could come in the coming days. We recommend that you change your  tik tok password and enable two-factor authentication. If you haven't done so before.

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